乐透币[LOT],非常好玩的游戏币!乐透币是一个基于scrypt PoW算法的P2P加密硬币,它效仿了具有随机区块特征的莱特币。最初每块可以随机产生256至65536(256*256)个硬币。它也能随机生成可以让矿工大赚一笔的超级区块!乐透币每天会产生一个奖励1,048,576个硬币的超级区块,每半天产生一个奖励262,144个硬币的超级区块,每小时产生一个奖励131,072个硬币的超级区块。所以,即使在高挖矿难度的情况下,也总有机会赢得大奖。乐透币也支持很多在线游戏。


  • RapidBalls

  • coin bomb

  • lotto Horse

  • 乐透大转盘

  • Ponzi!

  • lotto dice

  • lotto casino

  • lotwin casino

  • Texas Holdem

  • Bomb Sweeper

  • Cointography

  • Super Slot

(block 1296000)

  • 00


  • 00


  • 00


  • 00


Merchant Benefits:

- Get instantly paid, with zero fees.
- Have 100% protection from chargebacks.
- Enjoy Instant transactions anywhere in the world.
- No contracts, bank or merchant account needed.

Consumer Benefits:

- Pay anyone in the world instantly.
- Enjoy a large number of merchants & games.
- Receive your winnings instantly.
- No bank account or creditcard needed.

Miner Benefits:

- 30 Second block times.
- Random block rewards, and Lotto prizes
- 3 Monthly block halvings
- Huge selection of mining pools.
Lottocoin info
- 30 seconds block times, Which means Fast confirming transactions.
- Difficulty retargets every block, so diff chasers cant stripmine.
- Initially random 256 - 65536 coins per block.
- Hourly, semi-daily and daily superblocks:
Hourly lotto initially 131072 coins per block.
Semi-daily lotto initially 262144 coins per block.
Daily lotto initially 1048576 coins per block.
- 4 confirmations for transaction.
- 60 confirmations for minted blocks.
- Total coins will be around 18,406,979,840 coins.
- Transaction messaging.
- The payout will be halved every 3 months.
- The minimum payout per block will be 1 coin.