LottoCoin - The winners choice [LOT]. LottoCoin is a p2p crypto coin based on scrypt PoW, descendant of Litecoin which uses random block features. Initially it creates random coins between 256 and 65536 (256*256) coins per block. It also generates random superblocks where miners can win big! The Daily Super Lotto is 1,048,576 coins for the winning block. There's also a Semi Daily Lotto for 262,144 coins and an Hourly Lotto for 131,072 coins. Even at higher difficulties there's always a chance to hit the jackpot. LottoCoin also makes a great crypto coin for playing online games.

List of mining pools

Pool: Crypto Harvester

Pool: cif8 - Chinese

Pool: Hash to Coins 0% fee

Pool: Leet Pool 1% fee

Pool: Coindaemon 1% fee

Pool: X Hash 0% fee

Pool: ForkPool 0% fee

Pool: Crypto Culture 2% fee

Pool: Lot (of) Hash 0% fee

Pool: Nonstop Mine 0% fee

Pool: Coin Army 2% fee

Pool: Fastpool 0% fee

Pool: Coinium Pool 0% fee, uk servers

Pool: Dedicated Pool 2% fee

Pool: Bitcrush 0% fee, US/EU servers

Pool: Nut 2 Pools 1.5% fee, EU, US, Japan

Pool: Crypto Pool 2% fee

Want your pool listed here? Please let us know about it.

Lottocoin info

- 30 seconds block times, Which means Fast confirming transactions.
- Difficulty retargets every block, so diff chasers cant stripmine.
- Initially random 256 - 65536 coins per block.
- Hourly, semi-daily and daily superblocks:
Hourly lotto initially 131072 coins per block.
Semi-daily lotto initially 262144 coins per block.
Daily lotto initially 1048576 coins per block.
- 4 confirmations for transaction.
- 60 confirmations for minted blocks.
- Total coins will be around 18,406,979,840 coins.
- Transaction messaging.
- The payout will be halved every 3 months.
- The minimum payout per block will be 1 coin.

The default ports are
- Connect: 16383
- RPC: 16384

Example lottocoin.conf for solo mining:

1. Start up lottocoin-qt, wait for it to load, then exit.
2. Put lottocoin.conf (see sample file above) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/appdata/roaming/lottocoin
3. Restart lottocoin-qt, and you will connect and sync.
4. Launch cgminer or whatever mining program you like and begin mining.
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:16384 -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **)